Beast Pillow No. 306

Beast Pillow No. 306
One of a kind, and ready to ship!
This Beast Pillow is part of The New Recycles family, creatures born from once-loved sweaters and scarves and old buttons. This beast has a colorful family tree that includes a 100% cashmere sweater, a turquoise jumper, and striped arms and legs, all of unknown yarn type. It’s not a common occurrence, but he has a hand knit bottom made from a wool and acrylic blend.
He looks tough, but he’s genuinely thoughtful and gentle and loves to sit on the couch with you and hear about your day. Or cuddle up in bed for stories. He loves artichokes and asparagus, well all veggies really. Once in a while you can sneak him a treat, like M&Ms, and he’ll likely stuff a few in his pockets for later.
Fully grown, this beast pillow measures 10" wide and 15" long. If you include his legs, he measures 29" long.
This beast has BUTTON EYES*.
*Buttons are a choking hazard for young children. This pillow is NOT recommended for children under 3 years without supervision and should NEVER be kept in a crib.
© Debi van Zyl 2023